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Located at 2000 NW 171 Street 

Miami Gardens Florida, 33056

License and inspection up to date.









Marina's Family Child Care was started by its original founder, president and owner Berkis Perez. 

Qualifications :

Berkis has been a teacher to children for many years. Her passion for kids has led her with the desire to own and work for her own company. Berkis has worked as a child care professional for over 20 years and loves what she does for a living.

Our Main Goal :

We are a family oriented daycare business and our main goal is to provide quality service to all our customers. We treat each and every single kid in our daycare the same. They are all treated with respect and the best possible way. Please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone if you are interested in our services..

Email - perezberkis@yahoo.com

Cell - 786-316-3205   Owner Ms Berkis Perez


Cell: 305-690-3473 Teacher Assistant And Director  Ms Cindy Cedeno

Located at  2000 Nw 171  Street   

Miami gardens 33056 , Florida.

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License And Insurance
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 If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you. Email - perezberkis@yahoo.com

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